How to Sneeze and Protect Your Back

There is no doubt that sneezing comes in many shapes, sizes, and sounds.

I have witnessed forceful sneezes, petite sneezes, chain reaction sneezes, and many more.

The one thing that they all have in common is that sneezing puts immense strain on your spine, which can lead to back injuries and back pain.

That is because sneezing not only increases the force around your spinal cord called intrathecal pressure, but it also creates a quick forceful contraction of your body’s core and spinal muscles.

This forceful contraction can back pain from conditions such as a muscle strain or joint strain. It can also cause more serious injuries like a disc injury such as a disc herniation or disc bulge, or in some cases a fracture to the ribs or a compression fracture of a vertebrae.

How do you protect yourself from back pain while sneezing?

You could try to prevent the sneeze from happening by looking into light or holding your breath, but I don’t think these are proven methods that are effective at stopping a sneeze.

Or you can set your body in a better position to protect your spine and so that you won’t be showing up to your chiropractor with an injury from sneezing.

There are a couple of important ways to improve the position of your spine and put you in a position that is less vulnerable to back injury and back pain.

Check out the video below to learn more.